Pastor Stéphane Chauvette (1965– )

Pastor Stéphane Chauvette serves as Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Ministry / Church in the Montreal area (LaSalle), Quebec. He shepherds his congregation in a very distinctive way. An anointed preacher and teacher, his unique style of delivering God’s Word ignites the heart of the believers and challenges them to produce life-changing results – motivating the sheep under his care with the love of the Lord. His thought-provoking and challenging radio programs have been equipping the Saints and transforming their lives for three decades.
Author, artist, designer, historian, musician and minister – Pastor Chauvette’s life is dedicated to the unchanging Word of God, preaching the whole counsel of the Lord until Jesus returns. With an unusual knowledge, understanding and exceptional memory of the Scriptures, Pastor Stéphane Chauvette leads his congregation by preaching a living and exciting word. All his messages are intense, interspersed with current events, historical facts and a little touch of humor. Shocked or convicted, none are untouched by his penetrating sermons.
Pastor Stéphane Chauvette is currently holding a five year-long Bible College Course, to which more than eighty (80) students have enrolled and where the fundamentals of Christianity are methodically studied through 12 major semesters. Pastor Chauvette has conducted several evangelistic crusades entitled “Jesus – Light of Québec.” He is also working on numerous exciting projects, including two sequels to his popular book – The Devil’s Last Chance, written in 1998. He and his wife, Adrianna, live in Montreal, Canada.
Moriah Publications Inc. is the exclusive worldwide distributor of Pastor Chauvette’s works (writings) and sole proprietor of his intellectual property.